Foodie Archives

Let’s PIG OUT at Cuba Libre

by Le Anne Lindsay, Tinsel & Tine Editor

We are all enticed by a lechon that’s crispy on the outside and yet juicy on the inside. In fact, we don’t only look forward to seeing a nicely prepared suckling pig on weddings and birthday parties. We also go to restaurants that sell roasted pig simply because we love eating its flavorful, tender meat! Why not? As people often say, enjoy life. Eat pork! Now we just want to ask you. Have you ever wondered when did people start pig roasting? Or from what place did hog roasts originate? Apparently, the Cubans and Americans aren’t the only fans of roasting a whole pig. There are many other places around the globe that love pig roasts!…READ MOREPig Roasting: A Walk Down Memory Lane by La Caja China Magic Roasting Box (

Chef Guillermo Pernot and Le Anne Lindsay


Chef-Partner Guillermo Pernot of Cuba Libre Restaurant & Rum Bar is roasting a pig for 8 hours using a “Caja China,” or Chinese roasting box every Monday night, right out on 2nd street in Old City Philly. I got a chance to “Pig Out” at Cuba Libre (10 S 2nd St, Philadelphia, PA 19106) as an introduction to their MONDAY NIGHT -All-You-Can-Eat PIG ROAST.  Which starts with grilled artisan wheat bread brushed with pork jus, served with lemon butter – hmmm…. bread!!!

Then we were brought a platter of hot, succulent carved pig, crispy & delicious served with dipping sauces of sour orange mojo and jalapeño chimichurri. I coulda been happy with just the pig, bread and Grilled Peach Sangria ($5 off on Monday nights) but there’s also side dishes of white rice, traditional Cuban black beans and a house salad. Repeat until stuffed! All for $25 per person (half-price for children under 12).

The meal doesn’t come with dessert, but couldn’t help but be enticed to try the Banana Bread Caramelo (butter toasted house-made banana bread, vanilla or

chocolate ice cream. Warm butterscotch sauce ) it’s warm and gooey, but I like that the edges have that good crunch.

Cuba Libre Philly Pig Roast started Monday, June 8, 2015 and will continue all summer long – go and feast!

Cuba Libre Restaurant & Rum Bar, located at 10 S. 2nd Street in Philadelphia, PA, serves lunch Monday through Friday from 11:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. Dinner is served Monday through Wednesday from 4 p.m. until 10 p.m., Thursday through Saturday until 11 p.m. and Sunday from 3 p.m. until 10 p.m. Brunch is served on Saturdays and Sundays from 10:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. On weekend nights, the bar serves until 2 a.m. For more information, or to make a reservation, please call (215) 627-0666 or visit Follow Cuba Libre on Twitter (@CubaLibrePHL) and Instagram (@CubaLibreRestaurant) and “like” them on Facebook.

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