Kickstarter Campaign: AJAKA: LOST IN ROME
Originally posted February 3, 2022

I met Jason Richardson (Spider Tribble / J1 Studios) a number of years ago, when I interviewed The Black Tribbles on their show. Then we started following each other on social media, and running into each other at Philly events and screenings. He’s just always so much fun. His ambition is focused and he’s a talented brotha. Best of all, he chose a super wife, Danae Richardson to be the wind beneath his wings or rather, webs.
So I’m happy to try and give some shine to his latest project a 10 minute animated short film AJAKA: Lost In Rome.
Short Synopsis: An Oyo king betrayed by his people, and forced into the Colosseum battles of Rome, to fight for his freedom.
Background: AJAKA is the fantasy adaptation of historical events that happened in Ancient Nigeria, Rome and Dahomey.
This is a protest against discrimination; a film to remind us of what we stand for. It’s a wake-up call that we should all take seriously: where we came from.
AJAKA: Lost In Rome is a time machine, taking you through African culture. It shows what it takes to change harrowing experiences into extraordinary opportunities.
Why This Story?
Are you a fan of the movie Gladiator, or the game series God of War? Imagine that kind of story and action within an African tale? This tale spans 3 diverse kingdoms in all its uniqueness, surrounding the cradle of the Oyo Empire and its ties with other major kingdoms of the same period. We have created a glimpse of just that, and the exciting backgrounds few have ever explored until now.
SEE MORE – Meet the Team and Back the KICKSTARTER
Campaign ends March 4, 2022