Movie News,  Philly Spotlight

GPFO Nina Lo Presti $5000 Prize for Women Screenwriters

Greater Philadelphia Film Office

The deadline is nearing for the recently introduced NINA LO PRESTI PRIZE for screenwriting, offered by GPFO. Open to the first 25 submissions that meet the criteria and are submitted by March 1, 2021. Eligibility requires that the screenwriter has ties to the Greater Philadelphia Region.

Women filmmakers can apply for this $5000 grant and the opportunity to produce a film in the Philadelphia region.

Entries must be received no later than Monday, March 1 at 11:59 p.m. sent to:

Eligible scripts, previously submitted to SIP 2020, will be considered. Winners will be announced in the spring, either virtually or with an exciting in-person celebration if health regulations allow.

Read Screenwriting Contest Rules and Regulations:


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