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by Le Anne Lindsay, Editor

Cheesecake Factory Celebrates


What was the best part of your week? Mine was unexpectedly being sent a WHOLE Cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory!

It seems NATIONAL CHEESECAKE DAY is being celebrated Sunday, July 30th and Monday July 31st, in light of this – Cheesecake Factory is introducing a new CELEBRATION CHEESECAKE! Layers of vanilla cake, Original Cheesecake, strawberry, chocolate and vanilla mousse with cream cheese frosting.

I dare you to try and finish a whole slice in one setting, it’s big & rich, but delish!

Cheesecake Factory's new Celebration cheesecake
It came to my office, never been so glad to sign for a delivery!

Included with the cheesecake was a festive cake decorating kit.  Since I was at work taking pictures, it didn’t allow me time to pull out my creative decorative skills, so I will admit this is not my best work.

How not to decorate a cake

The girls at the office, Nicole & Bridget were as glad for the unexpected Cheesecake Factory treat as I was! It was nice to share, because even a cake-aholic like me can’t actually eat a whole cheesecake by myself.

National Cheesecake Day Celebration

I also took a slice of Celebration Cheesecake for my Cinema Sneak n Snack (#cinemasneaknsnack) at the movies later that evening to see Atomic Blonde (click for mini review) and brought a slice for my friend Bonnie, we also sneaked in soul food platters from Fresh Grocers across the street, but she ate her cheesecake first!

What do you like to eat at the movies?

Discount Offer: Dine at any participating Cheesecake Factory on 7/30 and/or 7/31 and get ANY SLICE of cheesecake for Half Price. Tell them Tinsel & Tine sent you!

Post Update 8/2/17

August 1st was my Mom’s 80th Birthday and guess what? She requested for her bday cake-
Cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory! Too bad I couldn’t have just saved the celebration cheesecake. Instead we bought the original flavor cheesecake and added strawberries.

Happy 80th Birthday Mommy

So yeah, this is what our recycling looked like this morning:

What's in your recycling bin?

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While You’re Here

Check out the last time T&T was invited to Cheesecake Factory during the unveiling of their new menu:

Cheesecake Factory Center City Philadelphia
Click Image

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