Foodie Archives

RECAP: Flavors of the Black Diaspora: A Philadelphia Popup Dinner


by Le Anne Lindsay, Editor  ORIGINALLY POSTED March 31, 2020

I am so pleased I got to attend this before COVID-19 shut down all my social/blogging engagements.  It was just a perfect evening of meeting a small group of wonderful new foodies, in a lovely atmosphere, over 5 delectable and creative courses, not to mention appetizers and cocktails.

Chef Steve Coupet, Haitian-American, but really a New Yorker, is a personal chef with a love of entertaining. He’s been doing these intimate PopUp Dinners in Harlem, and decided the last day of Black History Month would be a good time to host one in Philly.  He found me on Instagram and asked if I’d help spread the word.  And also invited me to join the evening.

The event was limited, but open to the public with registrations on Eventbrite. Once registered, guests were told the exact location would be revealed a week prior to the dinner.  When I arrived at the address, I thought a mistake had been made, as it was a residential home on a newly trendy street in Fishtown.  No mistake. Ingeniously, he had rented out an entire townhouse from Airbnb to use to host the dinner.  This way he and his partner Corrina, owner of Harlem Roots Herbal Apothecary (Look for upcoming separate post) had a place to stay in Philly, a nice size kitchen in which to prepare the meal and we the guest, could have cocktails and apps in the living room, while waiting for the dinner to begin – all much under the cost of renting an event space or restaurant.

Duck Prosciutto, Foie Gras & Mango, Pork Shank Samosa, Bone Broth, Chicken Breast smoothed over cherry wood, Pickled Salted Cod, and Butternut Squash Puree in a Winter Green Salad – just a small hint of what made up this black fusion tasting tour – but I’d prefer to let you hear it all from him.

Check out the below highlights from the dinner with
Touchef Coupet explaining each dish and its origin in the video below:


 Toúchef Coupet is a NYC-based Popup Chef who celebrates the flavors of traditional Black Cuisine, but with a modern imagination. As a world traveling Haitian-American, Toúchef gathers tastes & techniques from global black identities, and reinterprets them in his Harlem kitchen lab.

For Black History Month, Toúchef is excited to share his Winter Menu with Philadelphia locals who have a palette for flavorful and innovative foods, or who are excite to celebrate Black Diaspora flavors and culture.

When: Saturday, February 29, 2020

Where: Fishtown – No Door Sales, Only Ticketholders will be admitted. The location will be emailed the week leading up to the event.

Tickets: Eventbrite

The menu below is subject to change, as ingredient freshness may change.


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