
Film Hightlight – Digital Dharma


PFS held their first Happy Hour not related to a specific film screening. It was just a chance for their members, attendees and guests to meet, drink and chat (hopefully about movies, but not necessarily), in the hospitably relaxed beauty of Positano Coast. (Truly, one of my favorite restaurants in the City).

Best of all, if you attended the happy hour with a project to pitch/promote, I have the power as PFS Blog Contributor to feature your film on both their site and here on Tinsel & Tine.

Anita Reher (pictured middle) is involved with a film project called Digital Dharmaa fantastic portrait of a man’s devotion to saving Tibetan text through digitalizationIn 1959 — Red Army soldiers invade Tibetan villages, destroying homes and temples. Fleeing refugees leave behind countless artifacts — the last evidence of an ancient culture.

In the shadow of the foreboding Himalayas, a small band stands on a ledge. Their lives, their families, and their history depend on a successful escape. Hidden securely in their packs is documentation of a culture that is heading for extinction. Carrying centuries of philosophy, religion, science and art, they cling to a precipice, inching toward the future.

Can one man, a Mormon from Utah, who would do everything possible to keep from going to war… start a quiet revolution against the obliteration of a culture not his own? 

Digital Dharma is set to be released this fall [Director Dafna Yachin] Visit the site to learn more!

Tinsel & Tine provides year-round free promotion, sparking conversations and awareness, celebration and reviews of the movie industry - from local indie shorts to international films/filmmakers, to studio driven movies/moviemakers. Mixed with a spotlight on Philly Happenings. #MiniMovieReview #PhillyCalendar

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