
Empire Season 2 RECAP: Without a Country

Empire Season 2, Episode 2: Without A Country

directed by Dee Rees gets going with Cookie, Andre and Hakeem starting their own label. It takes them a while to come up with a name, but by the end of the episode it’s crowned #LyonDynasty, a perfect name to rival #Empire; not to mention, Lee Daniels and Danny Strong’s mega hit is often referred to as The Black, Dynasty.
On the contrary, nobody is down with the name Hakeem comes up with for the all girl group he’s looking to produce.

Meanwhile Lucious is still sportin an orange jumpsuit and is having trouble getting his meds, as that female prosecutor thinks this is the way to force a confession. At first I was thinking what meds? Then I remembered, Lucious is still sick. Once he was no longer dying, I forgot about his actual ailment. But you know LL’s not sweatin it, or the new security guard on a power trip played with conviction by Ludacris.  So funny to hear him disparage rappers.

Lucious has his mind on dropping a single from Prison titled #SnitchBitch.  This cut could be the “DripDrop” of season 2.  His new Hustle & Flow lawyer, Thirsty, turned out to have the juice to get Lucious everything he needs in prison to record, including autotune. Everything that is, except making sure Luda wasn’t on duty, who breaks up the recording session, and throws Lucious in solitary.  He’s not there for long though as Thirsty also gets Lucious a new bail hearing, complete with blackmail pictures of the judge, having a little fun with S&M.

I hate it when Hakeem and Jamal are against one another – Jamal won’t let Keem have his album for his new label, so Keem released it free on iTunes.  Jamal threatens to sue him.

Andre doesn’t have the stomach for ghetto offices and the pressure of an upstart. He begs Cookie to let him go and begs Lucious to take him back.  Lucious wants Hakeem back, but not Dre.  Then they cut to a scene with Kelly Rowland singing a distant, melancholy itsy bitsy spider to what looks like a very young Lucious Lyon.

And this tweet is just funny!

Check Out Last Week’s Recap




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