Crop Circle Realities
by Le Anne Lindsay, Editor
The Signs Are Everywhere
I went to a lecture at the Free Library of Philadelphia back in 2002 on Crop Circles. At that time, I may have heard something about them in the past, but nothing that stuck, but for some reason, I was drawn to this lecture featuring one of the top researchers on the subject Linda Moulton Howe. She had recently published a book called “Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles”. After the lecture, I immediately purchased her book which she signed. I got home and proceeded to read it cover to cover.
I told myself I was going to go to the English countryside of Wiltshire where so many of the formations are found each summer. That I was going to camp out in hopes of witnessing the phenomenon with my own two eyes. But of course I never did that. I don’t camp. And I don’t do adventuress things. Although, I did get to go to Stonehenge summer of 2018 at the crack of dawn on the Summer Solstice. The only time visitors are allowed to actually touch the stones and be inside the formation. It was magical in the fact that I was there, but I didn’t see any crop circles, balls of light or portals opening. And the friend I went with was a wet blanket who didn’t understand the significance of Stonehenge at all. But barring those disappointments, it was still an experience I cherish having had the opportunity to do.

I’m interested in most things mystical in nature, but particularly whenever the words Crop Circles comes up, my radar is activated; so when I got the October Coast Newsletter of upcoming films, I immediately requested a screener for the documentary Crop Circle Realities by Writer/Director: Darcy Weir and Writer/Narrator: Geoffrey D. Calhoun.
I always find it strange that the Global “We” don’t talk more about Crop Circles in general. I remember that same year (2002) M. Night Shyamalan’s “Signs” came out and I thought it would be an intriguing, spiritual look at the mystery, but it barely touches on Crop Circles. There’s always talk of the Grey type aliens and alien abductions, Roswell, but here’s real evidence that life from elsewhere is trying to communicate with us through mathematics, art and food and yet most dismiss it as a hoax and a lot of people know nothing about it. There were some yahoos Dave and Doug who made some rudimentary facsimile in 1976. However, the first newspaper report of a crop circle (with illustration) was in 1678. For all the naysayers who somehow believe these huge, complex, perfect formations could be man made, I love this comment on Smithsonian Magazine on the subject:
How can some people believe that humans go out in the middle of the night, where there’s no streetlight around and no way to bring that much electricity without someone seeing it, yet managed to create a perfect big complex crop-circle within the hours of darkness… How on earth do they manage and not even a dog awakens to bark? And until this day no one has been caught in the act. Are they so clever to be nearly invisible? What great tools allow them to work so swiftly? And what’s the benefit? For that much work would typically be at the interest to make money or hubris to show your art. So no fame, no glory. Just entering pitch dark fields for fun, year after year…
This documentary by Occult Journeys Productions shows us image upon incredible image of the circles over the last two decades or more. We hear stories from individuals who have witnessed a field go from normal to Crop Circled in less then a night. We hear the opinions of experts like Stephen Bassett the executive director of Paradigm Research Group (PRG) founded in 1996 to end a government imposed embargo on the truth behind extraterrestrial related phenomena. Historian Gary King takes us inside the center of the circles describing the molecular structure changes in the crops. Also clips of Journalist Jaime Maussan, who frequently reports on this unexplained phenomenon. The film covers both sides of the argument, but like me, clearly feels strongly these messages are of great importance, indicating a warning to all mankind on Earth. Let’s just hope we one day stop questioning and start listening.
T&T @LAMB rating: 4 outta 5
Another personal Crop Circle side note: On December 12, 2012 I decided I wanted to do something to commemorate the fact that we will never have a triple set of dates again after 12/12/12. My co-worker suggested I get a 12/12/12 tattoo. I’d never seriously thought about getting a tattoo before, so first I had to contemplate that, and the cost. Then I had to think, do I really want just a date on my body? I had been practicing a meditation (not very well, cause I’m not the best mediator) on better use of my intuition. I Googled a symbol for intuition and the closest thing I came up with is the below. Strangely, I don’t remember thinking anything about Crop Circles when looking for or at this design. However, there’s two crop circles with a very similar look. Would that these circles were made on Dec. 12th, but no. One’s from summer of 2006 and the other 2007 but still what does it mean?…

Interview with Gary King & Darcy Weir

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