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COVID-19 Interview Benjamin F. Barnett Digital Media Strategist & PIFF Founder

by Le Anne Lindsay, Editor

Benjamin F. Barnett is a digital media strategist who first founded The Media Bureau Inc in Philadelphia in the late 90’s as a place where tech entrepreneurs, and artists could come together to create, produce & screen original Digital Media Content. It was a community driven project that was the jumping off of a number of other projects including The Philadelphia Independent Film Festival, founded by Ben and now in its 13th year; or would have been had COVID-19 not struck.

I met Ben probably in the Festival’s 3rd or 4th year, and enjoy covering it annually (click to see #PIFF2019). In return Ben’s been a supportive follower of Tinsel & Tine, which I’ve appreciated, and we’ve been discussing ways to collaborate more during the rest of the year, not just during the Festival.

We’re starting with this Zoom interview (my first) since PIFF was one of the many, many, many Philly events cancelled due to the Coronavirus, we thought it would be a good idea to talk about the challenges and what’s in store.

side note: after reading my intro notes, I think I should have taken off my glasses, cause I don’t like the glare from the computer screen; on the hand, the specs kinda completes the blogger/journalist look.  Feel free to comment (respectfully).

Ben and I discuss the pros and cons of taking film festivals online, taking cues from SXSW and Tribeca; Supporting the filmmakers chosen as PIFF’s 2020 Official Selections by other means. The brand new Independent Media Arts Field Group established by Sundance Institute and The National Endowment For The Arts (NEA), which brings together media artists, film festivals, filmmakers, and other broadcasting organizations across the US to brainstorm on the equity and sustainability of Independent storytellers in this unprecedented time… And more…


Tinsel & Tine provides year-round free promotion, sparking conversations and awareness, celebration and reviews of the movie industry - from local indie shorts to international films/filmmakers, to studio driven movies/moviemakers. Mixed with a spotlight on Philly Happenings. #MiniMovieReview #PhillyCalendar

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