Contributor Enrico Versace: THE FLASH
Just like a CSI, I’ve examined this film and am taking you through a report on whether or not it’s innocent and just, or rather has committed unspeakable crimes to film. In all seriousness, The Flash stars Ezra Miller, Michael Keaton, Sasha Calle, and Ben Affleck. As a quick note, I am aware of the recent crimes and accusations against Ezra Miller, but have chosen to not let that affect my opinion and the merit of this movie. I will base the movie’s value on the movie alone, rather than judging a work of art on the artist’s history and the one’s involved. One CSI case at a time.
Consumed by sadness felt from his mother’s murder and fear that the accusations against his father committing this heinous act, may be final, Barry Allen goes back to the past in order to save his mother, but ends up changing the world and universe forever. This story has been retold many times, in the comics, on the popular CW show The Flash, and the 2013 animated movie Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox. So, fans like me are quite familiar with it and know the expectations it has to reach to be considered an appropriate reinterpretation.
Overall I enjoyed the film and thought this fresh take on the Flashpoint event was creative. Just not as creative as the 2013 film, which still had meta-humans and heroes, with each of them in different roles than what they are in the traditional DC’s Earth-Prime version. For instance, Bruce Wayne was killed in the alley that famous night instead of his parents; turning his father into Batman and his mother into the Joker. Superman is captured and nowhere to be found. Cyborg is a resistance leader, giving America a fighting chance within a war between Aquaman’s Atlanteans and Wonder Woman’s Amazonians. Aquaman cheated on his wife Mera with Diana and it led to this major war.
This time around, in Warner Bros THE FLASH, the Flashpoint isn’t that inventive, but the changes to the world give us a chance to see Keaton as Batman again and see the spotlight on a different Kryptonian. Keaton fits right back into his suit. The movie’s stunt team was able to pull off fight scenes that were believable despite Keaton now reaching his 70s. His acting is up to snuff, as expected. Calle acts fine too, though her character is stern and dull, not in a bad way, unless one prefers the spunky and upbeat version of Kara from the show and comics. She plays the role that Superman usually does, which isn’t terrible, because it still shows a woman in a powerful way than typically presented.
Miller’s dual roles are both relatable and funny. His doppelgänger has more of that comedic attitude that we’re familiar with from 2017’s Justice League, however they’re both pretty humorous. Some of Barry #2’s personality could come off as annoying or extra, but it’s a younger take than that of main Barry. Barry 2 hasn’t had any tragedy in his life, so he’s more laid back. Main Barry has gone through the hardship that many of us know all too well – loss. So except for when he puts on his running boots, he doesn’t like to mess around. Miller is convincing in both personas.
The movie may not have been as innovative in its take on Flashpoint, but I still liked their approach. Flash isn’t just shown as a man who can run fast. The Speed-Force is uniquely explored here and is shown as the thing that makes Barry the fastest man alive and allows him to travel back and forward in time. Often in other media, he enters The Speed-Force through a portal after gaining enough speed, and it takes the appearance of another realm. I won’t spoil it, but this time it wasn’t so much that. It’s a visual display that I respected and felt could be further explored in a sequel. The same goes for this film’s take on the Multiverse. A good majority of critics are claiming many of the movie’s visuals are very unfinished, which I don’t agree with. Nonetheless, I’m not an expert on that sort of thing and one should take precaution if they are. The antagonist of the movie isn’t what a common fan might expect from Flashpoint, regardless, that doesn’t hinder it and the message the movie presents.
All and all, the ethics seem mostly true and just here. Much of the acting was on par, Flash was presented creatively, and the nostalgia of DC’s history was sweet. All the same, much could be further explored in future installments.
See other Contributions from Enrico Versace –
My name is Enrico Versace. I graduated from Rowan University with a bachelor’s degree in Writing Arts. I have a personal blog where I’ve written more analyses like this about movies, art, horror, and Star Wars. I wasn’t always a writer though fun fact. I used to be into architecture and built with Legos from when I was a kid to after high school. You can find my blog posts at wrtversacee4.wordpress.com. And my social torusbrusk1138 on Instagram.

Thanks Enrico for your take on The Flash Movie, I love that Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox storyline, never knew about that animated movie; kinda sounds like a Comicbook Soap Opera. That would have been awesome if they used a lot of that for this movie! Nevertheless, I was completely absorb (Unlike Black Adam ). I agree, the humor is mixed nicely throughout the action. I’m happy Gen. Zod (Michael Shannon) was not the focal point of the movie. In terms of CGI, I thought the scenes of the babies falling out the hospital window, was inspired.
It really is too bad about Ezra Miller‘s mental health issues and subsequent crimes, because he’s got true talent. So watchable and sympathetic on screen. I also thought, although not an original idea (Marvel’s always first) the cross sections of Batmans were inserted perfectly. It’s so great that multi-verses both in the MCU and DCEU opened up this way for all incarnations, by every actor, to exist without any contradictions. Now we wait to see what James Gunn has in store for Warner Bros’ DC Characters – LeAnne Lindsay, Editor