by Le Anne Lindsay, Editor
I’ve read a number of truly hilarious reviews of #CatsMovie more entertaining than the movie itself. In a country divided, at least the majority of us can agree this star studded feline flick is beyond bad. Having never seen the musical, I never would have guessed the plot revolved around singing their life with their words in order to earn a ride in a reincarnation balloon – What the F&8%!?!
I’m the lenient reviewer who likes to find the positives, who looks to be engaged and respect the artist’s intentions. I love movie musicals and Tom Hooper (Les Miserable, The King’s Speech, The Danish Girl) have enjoyed them all, but even I have to agree this, falls under the category of utter nonsense.
And just because Viola Davis could rock an award winning snot running performance in FENCES, doesn’t mean Jennifer Hudson can make that look work during the only good song the musical possesses.
Assuming the storytelling and dialogue all mostly adhere to the staged version, it’s mind bending to understand how it could have possibly been so popular for so many, many years. So much a part of popular culture that I already knew each cat’s name and wondered when and how I’d gained that knowledge.
But what about all this talk of Cat school the actors have been going on about? These “cats” dance, and dance and dance some more, they eat with the dexterity of human fingers, they’re almost always on two legs, but they hardly ever act like CATS! I’ve always assumed that was the draw of the show, watching actors who have perfected the art of being convincing kitties. Without that, we’re left with alien “Jellicle” beings with cat-like ears and tails, some with better outfits, some magical and some not. So is “Cats” a metaphor, an allegory or just something to make The Razzies a hoot this year
T&T the Large Association of Movie Blogs (aka the LAMb) rating 2 outta 5
(2 is for set design, on its own, not the way the cats interact with it. And lead Francesca Hayward who does her best with what she’s given)

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