Mini Movie Reviews Archives

Best Summer Movie of 2014: GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY

When I saw the trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy months ago, I in no way added it to my must see list, it looked ridiculous, it put me in mind of Matt Groening’s Futurama, which has never grabbed me.  So, I skipped the first press screening.  Then we got a second chance to see it, in K of P, where I work, so I decided why not – SO GLAD I SAW THIS MOVIE – it’s a hoot!  I’d had a terrible day at work, the kind that brings you to tears, but the moment Chris Pratt as Peter Quill clicks play on his circa 1988 Walkman and starts groove exploring to Redbones’ “Come and Get Your Love”  I was hooked and happy!

Cut Print Films and I have begun promoting each other, they posted an excerpt of my Michael Douglas/Diane Keaton And So It Goes   and now I’m posting excerpts of their Guardian of the Galaxy review.  I’m so glad they felt the same way I did about the movie! – Le Anne Lindsay, Editor

Guardians of the Galaxy

We’re Like Kevin Bacon


By Chris Evangelista

James Gunn has done the impossible: the former Troma director has recaptured the gleeful joy of old-school summer blockbusters and packaged it for modern sensibilities. Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy is a giddy, punk rock-infused work of pop art, blissfully aware of how pulpy it is—and damn proud of it. The director caught lightning in a bottle with this film, and it’s the most fun you’ll have at the movies all summer.

Expanding the Marvel universe to galactic reaches, Guardians begins on earth as young Peter Quill watches helplessly as his mother dies of cancer. Understandably distraught, he runs from the hospital—only to be abducted by aliens. Now an adult, and played by Chris Pratt, Quill lives as a ravager—a thief traveling from star to star, stealing things and selling them to the highest bidder. He even has a code name for himself—Star-Lord. He’s proud of the name; no one else seems to be impressed.

Quill ends up stealing a mysterious orb, which sets in motion several characters: the genocide-spreading Ronan (Lee Pace, as far removed from Ned the Pie Maker as ever) wants the orb, and he sends the assassin Gamora (Zoe Saldana) to get it from Quill. Also looking for Quill are two bounty hunters, Rocket (voice of Bradley Cooper) and Groot (voice of Vin Diesel). The fact that Rocket is a genetically altered raccoon and Groot is a walking, talking tree only adds to the fun. Quill, Gamora, Rocket and Groot may start as enemies, but it’s not long before our main characters have all teamed up with one goal: to finally start giving a shit about something. Soon the four of them end up in prison—where the blunt-speaking Drax (Dave Bautista) joins their motley crew.
Let me be honest: the plot of this film does not matter. Normally, that can be terrible, and it can sink a movie. But Guardians makes so much with so little; its plot is paltry and threadbare, because the plot isn’t what’s driving this film. Instead, it’s the characters. This is the most character-driven ensemble film Marvel has ever made—yes, even more so than The Avengers…

…Without a doubt, this is hands-down my favorite Marvel movie. It may not be the best Marvel movie, but I honestly cannot recall the last time I had this much fun watching a film. As things progressed at whiplash-inducing speed, and jokes came fast and furious to the point that some of them got lost under the audience’s continued joyful laughter, I found myself grinning like a child. I became wholly aware that I was going to get everything I could possibly ask for from this movie, and more. There’s some sort of magic on display here; it grabs hold of you, and wraps you up, and takes you to places you’ve longed to see. If it sounds like I’m gushing over this film, that’s because I am. You couldn’t possibly ask for a better pulpy, silly, smart, ass-kicking blockbuster than this film. Not in this day and age, at least…

READ FULL STORY on Cut Print Films

T &T’s LAMB Score: 4.5 outta 5

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