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Best of Enemies

 I invite a number of friends to see the preview screenings with me, but I love that this friend was moved enough to write a #MiniMovieReview review… 

“I saw a preview of this movie yesterday. Frankly, I would advise people to save their money. At the end of the film, people were clapping. My emotions moved from being mildly inspired to disappointed to furious. In typical Hollywood fashion, this movie manages to make the white man the real star of the film. 
They re-fashion the KKK into a group that only terrorizes white people. The black people, especially Taraji P. Henson’s character, become backdrops for the white character’s story. The black folks are never fleshed out and made to be fully realized people who are standing up for justice. If you do choose to see this travesty of nonsense, guard your mind. This film will lull you into thinking that racism wasn’t that bad in a southern town in 1971, even though the Klan had a huge presence and was part of every governmental agency”.🤬
Emma Trammble
Tinsel & Tine:
I agree with Emma, I just didn’t feel as inflamed about it as she. I will say, in terms of engagement Best of Enemies delivers, you feel involved and moved. It’s just that you thought you’d feel emotionally invested in Taraji’s character, Ann Atwater, and instead it’s Sam Rockwell‘s character, C.P. Ellis, which gets the arc. This feels conflicting, as I’ve never cared about a Klansman before…
 T&T the Large Association of Movie Blogs (aka the LAMb) rating: 2.5 outta 5

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