However, it doesn’t appear as if his 100 million dollar dream come true is box office gold. There’s been very little buzz during or since Thanksgiving. I saw it in a nearly empty theater, normally at Christmastime all movie showings are relatively full.
It’s been more than 10 years since “Titanic”, I would think audiences would be hungry for a film of this romantic scope and feel. Especially in light of the economy, shouldn’t people want to escape into a cinematic high?
Admittedly, it’s not as good as “Titanic” or old Hollywood films such as “Giant” or “Lawrence of Arabia”, but I have no complaints. The storyline works, particularly the historic aspects of the Japanese World War II bombing of the city of Darwin and the fact that “A stolen generation” was created from removing Aboriginal children from their parents.
Hugh and Nicole have romantic and sexual chemistry. The discovery of Brandon Walters as “the little creamy” Nullah (half aborigine and half white) steals not only Lady Ashley’s heart but the heart of the movie as well. All this should add up to movie going at its best. It doesn’t, but it is very good, far better than the overrated “Atonement”, and should be seen on the big screen.
Rating: Pretty Index Toe

One Comment
Not as good as “Titanic”? You’ve got to be kidding me! Titanic is far more overrated than Atonement. I couldn’t wait for the boat to sink.