LeAnne Lindsay, Editor (The Film-centric Foodie)
Tinsel & Tine (est 2010) – The name is a take off of Tinseltown, using the tines of a fork. However, since 2020
T & T is a main course of the film/movie industry and side dish of highlighting Philly Events
(See #PhillyCalendar and Philly Spotlight pages).
Why did I start Tinsel & Tine? Because I fell in love with the blogging medium and asked myself what do I love enough to write about all the time?
The Answer: I always feel like a kid at the movies. It never gets old for me. I also really understand and appreciate good storytelling; yet oddly, I was never what most would call a film buff – those with encyclopedic knowledge; yet, I love the movie industry – from the most low budget Independent film, to the celebrated Indies premiering at Film Festivals to mega Blockbusters and everything in between.
My other passion is good food, just love to eat! I don’t cook a lot (anymore), but there’s nothing better than getting a good table at a cozy restaurant and settling in for a nice long meal. I’m also obsessed with good cake
The trouble being, I’ve never been able to joyfully convey my zeal as a foodie on the site.
Therefore, I’m looking for someone else to run the food side of T&T, if interested email me: tinseltine@gmail.com
And thus began Tinsel & Tine…
I truly prefer discussing and highlighting movies and films rather than being a “critic”, I feel that term is off-putting. Although, I’m proud to be a member of the Philadelphia Film Critics Circle.
I would say, my main system for reviewing movies and films is based on trying to write for the average moviegoer looking for escape, cause that’s me too.
I care most about being engaged, if I start thinking about work, or what I’m going to eat or wear the next day, then the movie hasn’t delivered the escape I crave. But if it captures my full attention and imagination and leaves the real world outside, then I think it’s basically good. Then I assess if it’s imbued with that indescribable magic which can make the most unlikely film a gem.
Of course, it’s impossible not to have an opinion on the writer and/or director’s choice of storytelling framing, devices and tropes, but really whether I agree with their intentions is immaterial to me; as I feel it’s my job to try and evaluate if I feel they’ve hit what they set out to do, in moments or overall tone. Then I add in acting, directing, costumes, cinematography, etc. But for me, those things carry more weight during awards season.
Tinsel & Tine (Reel & Dine) We’re about discovering & covering what’s pleasing in Film, Food & Philly Events. Posts weave personal anecdotes, observations and pop-culture into movie reviews, interviews, and film festival coverage.
The name is a take off of Tinseltown, using the tines of a fork. However T & T tends to be a main course of the film industry and side dish of the food industry.
Why did I start Tinsel & Tine? Because I fell in love with the blogging medium and asked myself what do I love enough to write about all the time?
The Answer: I always feel like a kid at the movies! It never gets old for me. I also really understand and appreciate good storytelling; yet oddly, I was never what most would call a film buff – still am not; however, I’ve learned a lot about the industry since starting the blog in 2009.
My other passion is good food, just love to eat! I don’t cook a lot (anymore), but there’s nothing better than getting a good table at a cozy restaurant and settling in for a nice long meal. I’m also obsessed with good cake! And thus began Tinsel & Tine.
I truly prefer promoting and highlighting movies and films rather than being a critic. I don’t even like that term. I would say, my main system for reviewing movies and films is based on trying to write for the average moviegoer looking for escape, cause that’s me too! I care most about being engaged, if I start thinking about work, or what I’m going to eat or wear the next day, then the movie hasn’t delivered the escape I crave. But if it captures my attention and imagination and leaves the real world outside, then I think it’s basically good. I also look at whether the movie delivered what I expected and then assess the surprises, both positive and negative. Of course, it’s impossible not to have an opinion on the writer and/or director’s choice of storytelling framing, devices and tropes, but really whether I agree with their intentions is immaterial to me; as I feel it’s my job to try and evaluate if I feel they’ve hit what they set out to do, in moments or overall tone. Then I add in acting, directing, costumes, cinematography, etc. But for me, those things carry more weight during awards season.
Philadelphia Film Critics Circle’s Film Scribes Podcast #61 (6/11/19)
About Me Personally: I’d describe myself as being a person of integrity and discernment. But I’m also light-hearted and try to make those around me feel at ease. I grew up watching a lot of TV, I mean A LOT! But, I also devoured romantic old movies and movie musicals. My favorites being Rebecca and Gigi. Happiness for me is beautiful surroundings, glamour, charm, sophistication, relaxation, mysticism, fantasy, fashion, good cigars, good food & drink, good friends, the beach and shooting craps. I’m single, no kids, no pets and still believe in finding love.
LeAnne Lindsay
The Film-centric Foodie