A Star is Born
by Le Anne Lindsay, Editor
A STAR IS BORN deserves all the buzz its garnered leading up to it. It’s the first film I’ve seen in 2018 that feels Oscar worthy, other than this small indie I saw called Puzzle, which unfortunately has no buzz.
Bradley Cooper has now proven himself to be a super talent, directing himself and Lady Gaga in this remake which is rich and cinematic. I love the soundtrack especially the songs from the early part of the film that have a country rock sound. I’ve listened to the track “The Shallow” several times on Youtube already. His vocal voice is surprisingly professionally soulful and his decision to take on Sam Elliott’s speaking voice in tone and cadence was inspired; they play brothers but because of the vast age difference Elliot’s character practically raised him and acts as his road manager and babysitter.
Lady Gaga has the ability to lose her persona in this role even though she’s playing a music star. You know when Madonna or Beyoncé try to take on an acting role they seem too self-conscious and unbelievable whatever the role, because the audience can’t separate their iconic-ness. Not a problem with Gaga.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen the Barbra Streisand–Kris Kristofferson version and even longer since I’ve seen the Judy Garland and James Mason version, but the good thing about this story is it doesn’t need to be compared. It’s an archetype – Famous man suffering burnout discovers an ingénue, falls in love and resents her success once she eclipses him. You can tell it again and again using different circumstances and musical styles or types of fame.
We’re talkin Oscar Noms all around – acting, directing, cinematography, music, best picture!

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