


The great thing about this blog is that I learn more and more about what’s going on in Film everyday. This is a fun journey for me, because in no way do I profess to be a film buff or a cinephile. I’m learning to be “on the job” so to speak.

For instance, I wasn’t aware that PBS has an award-winning series Independent Lens, that showcases a myriad of indie films and documentaries each season.
And that these films are screened (FREE) in Philadelphia (locations vary) through
Community Cinema.

Independent Lens website also features Inside Indies, a Filmmaker Newsletter:

This month features Filmmaker Jon Else, who directed The Day After Trinity: J. Robert Oppenheimer
and the Atomic Bomb in 1980 and who won the first-ever prize for documentary at the Sundance Film Festival, portrays the shared journey of composer John Adams and stage director Peter Sellers in their fifth creative collaboration. WONDERS ARE MANY shows these two men as they work feverishly against their own deadline to achieve the world’s first opera about the definitive weapon of mass destruction.
How would you answer the question your film poses: how can art make history relevant to current affairs? First of all, the art has to be really attractive, the history has to be a really engaging narrative and there has to be a connection that viewers can really feel. In this case, we’ve forgotten—if we ever knew—how extraordinarily powerful these weapons are. I mean you could blow a mile-wide hole in the middle of Manhattan with a Hiroshima-sized bomb, and that’s one of the tiny bombs in today’s world arsenal. Nobody wants to take their medicine, so with WONDERS ARE MANY we worked hard to make it entertaining and even funny. Funny is important if you are tricking people into thinking seriously about nuclear war.To read more of this interview click HERE to go to the IndependentLens Inside Indies page.

Tinsel & Tine provides year-round free promotion, sparking conversations and awareness, celebration and reviews of the movie industry - from local indie shorts to international films/filmmakers, to studio driven movies/moviemakers. Mixed with a spotlight on Philly Happenings. #MiniMovieReview #PhillyCalendar

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