
Commentary – Law Abiding Citizen

F. Gary Gray has directed more of a slasher flick than an Action/Thriller. You never know who’s gonna get it, when or how. The opening scene is nightmarish! However the movie is wrapped in a calculating and technically thought out script. And Philadelphia’s City Hall is a perfect backdrop, made-to-order, interiors and exteriors.

To summarize Clyde (Gerard Butler) has been the victim of a ruthless, random act of violence that kills his wife and child. Nick (Jamie Foxx) is a prosecuting attorney in the Justice Department. Not, by the way, his best roll. Foxx seemed unsure of his character and is a bad on screen kisser.

Nick agrees to a plea bargain for one of the killers of Clyde’s family, in order to solidify a conviction, it allows the more guilty of the two criminals to a light sentence. It’s this injustice that sets Clyde on his rampage. He becomes determined to cure or kill the entire Philadelphia Justice System.

We’ve all watched enough court dramas to know about bargains and concern for conviction rates, but what I think this film tries to question is the thin line between working in justice and working for justice.

Rating: Pretty Middle Toe

Food Footnote: Once upon a time to add a little Philly flavor, Butler’s character would have asked for a Morton’s steak, as a bargaining chip, but this movie crew spent enough time in Philly to know, Del Frisco’s is THE place for a good, pricey steak dinner.

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