5 Questions for Actor: Peter Patrikios

Peter Patrikios is a first generation Greek American, born and raised in the Overbrook Park section of West Philadelphia. He’s a beloved Philly-based actor whom I met years ago at Film Festivals and Film Events. But it wasn’t until he was featured in the recently released, shot in Philly film, LAST CALL (starring Jeremy Piven) that I realized Peter should be highlighted in my 5 Questions Series!
Peter said his passion for the performing arts started at an early age. He and his brothers would write scripts, and film them with their father’s VHS CAMCORDER, and edit using two VCRs. They created parodies of the 1970’s style Kung Fu & Martial arts films, complete with special effects such as garden hoses doubling as intestines and ketchup for blood. Their mother, Christina, encouraged these creative endeavors. Their father, Christos, not so much. Because Peter also excelled in math and science, his father had dreams of seeing his son become a doctor. Being a good son, Peter went along with this plan, having every intention of becoming a physician, even receiving early acceptance to Temple University’s School of Medicine. All was on track until senior year he performed in a nationwide competition sponsored by MTV called, “S.A.M.S. Rock-A-Like (students against multiple sclerosis).” The winner at the college level was submitted to MTV, where five finalists were selected to perform during spring break. Peter was shocked to find himself among the five finalists to perform on the show. In the fall he went on to start his medical studies, but in no time realized that entertainment bug had gotten to him. Hiding it from his parents at first, but soon coming clean that he had dropped out of school to pursue acting full-time.
He then joined acting workshops with top casting directors. He started auditioning for plays and independent films. It was hard going for a long time. But finally he landed a role in an original production called, “Kennedy Children” directed by Michael Leland.
Peter in no way would consider himself an over-night success, but he definitely defines himself as successful – with a resume of over 40 plays and 60 film and television productions. Some of his more notable appearances include Law & Order Criminal Intent, HBO’s Boardwalk Empire, The Blacklist and Gotham. Recent films, Last Call, 21 Bridges, Zeroes and Not For Nothing.
Sadly, Peter’s father never got to witness his son’s triumphs, as Christos passed away from cancer during his son’s early years making his way in this business. I’m sure he somehow knows his son made the right choice for his life.
Tinsel & Tine’s 5 Question Series continues with Philly-based Actor PETER PATRIKIOS Stay tuned!#filminphilly @IFCFilms #Lastcall pic.twitter.com/MEcYldCgKx
— Tinsel & Tine (@tinseltine) May 13, 2021
T&T: What led you to this latest project? & briefly describe your character.
Peter Patrikios: LAST CALL was my latest film role, directed by Paolo Pilladi, written by Greg Lingo and produced by Ante Novakovic. The unusual thing about being cast as Digits, was that it was the result of two distinct paths; both leading to the same result.
Part of the pre-production process will sometimes include a reading of the screenplay for a small audience. This allows for feedback and gives the filmmakers an opportunity to hear the story with professional actors reading various roles. I was part of that reading and as a result, Paolo decided I should play Digits in the film. He enjoyed my portrayal, but it didn’t hurt that I’m a Philly native, bringing a certain authenticity to the role.
Later, when the film went into production, there was a meeting regarding casting. One of the producers (Ante Novakovic) not knowing Paolo had discussed the part with me, said to him he had an actor in mind for the role of Digits. I had worked with Ante on several projects up to then. He was certain, I was the right actor for the role. So, both men went back and forth briefly, until Paolo said, “Well, I was thinking of Peter Patrikios.” And, before he could say anything else, Ante pulled out a headshot and said, “This Peter Patrikios?” Long story short…when both the producer and director want you for their film, you are offered the part.
Digits was easily one of my favorite characters. He is humorous, a practical joker, has a big heart, and is the first character I ever portrayed that was a bit pan-sexual. LOL Sign me up!
T&T: Do you have any superstitions or rituals before an audition?
Peter: The one superstition I have is that I never like it when someone wishes me luck. I prefer “break a leg.” It is a theatre tradition. But, it has stuck with me even when I do film and television.
T&T: If you had the choice to be cast in the remake of any popular movie, what would it be? (answer can be an Indie, just nothing too obscure) & would you want to change anything about that character?
Peter: There are a couple I can think of. But, let’s go with Pretty Woman. (One of my (LeAnne’s FAVORITE Movies) I would love to play the gay male version of Vivian Ward (Julia Robert’s role)! And, I might be interested in revamping the entire vibe of the film, and make it darker. I like when people remake a film and switch the tone. Like when American Idol singers take an upbeat pop song, and re-imagine it as dark and moody.
T&T: Do you have any foodie or music (or both) related moments regarding a role, preparing for a role or after wrapping production?
Peter: Yes, when I arrived on set to film BLACKLIST, my character worked in a diner as a cover. In the scene, he is preparing cheeses steaks on the grill. I joked that I spent half of my life making steaks at my father’s pizzeria. And, here I am back on the grill…my least favorite post to work.
T&T: Give a shout out to those on your team who have been in your corner while you hit both highs and lows in this business.
Peter: I have been blessed to be surrounded by supportive friends and family. My mom is always a positive light in my life and always supports me. Many friends do as well. However, I think it’s appropriate, in this case, to once again mention, Ante Novakovic. When I first worked with him, it was on a film called “Fright Fest”. He enjoyed that performance to such a degree, he asked me to stick around because he wanted to see more of me in the film. THANKS ANTE NOVAKOVIC!!!!!
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