22nd Annual MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival in Philly
And 2nd Anniversary for The Madlab Post Screening Shorts at BOK Building
Audiences in over 400 Cities Spanning 6 Continents are Uniting for One Week for One Reason…to Judge the Ten Finalists in the 22nd Annual MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival.
This global festival begins Thursday 9/26 at 6:30PM with a celebration reception at The Madlab Post’s studio BOK Building (1901 S. 9th Street Room 411 Phila, PA 19148)
Daily showtimes follow including Mondays – Fridays 9/27 through 10/4 at 2PM, two shows on Saturdays 9/28 – 10/5 at 1PM and 6:30PM, and Sundays 9/29 – 10/6 at 4PM
MANHATTAN SHORT is the only event of its kind. The films screen simultaneously across the world during a one-week period, with the Best Film and Best Actor awards determined by ballots cast by the audiences in each participating venue. By virtue of their selection by MANHATTAN SHORT, each short film is automatically Oscar-qualified.
The MANHATTAN SHORT films hail from seven countries with films from France, Iran, Canada, Finland, and Germany alongside two films from USA and a record three from the United Kingdom. These films represent the best short films from among 1,250 submissions from 70 countries received by MANHATTTAN SHORT for 2019, testimony to the enduring vibrancy and creativity of short films worldwide.
MANHATTAN SHORT continues to be a premier showcase for female directors with five of the Final Ten films directed by women, including one from Iran.
This year’s Final Ten represent an extraordinary range of film genres that includes intimate dramas, spine-tingling suspense, and hilarious comedies, as well as genre surprises like a pair of science fiction films and one that focuses on tennis. “A narrative short film on sports is as rare as a centaur sighting,” notes Pia Andell, director of The Match.
Which of these Final Ten short films is the best? That’s up to a worldwide audience to decide. Cinema-goers across the United States and around the globe will become instant film critics as they are handed a ballot upon entry to their respective screening.
The Madlab Post : Headquartered in South Philly’s BOK Building, serves as an artist-run production studio and microcinema with the purpose of fostering civic engagement, community stabilization, and cross-cultural awareness and understanding through the magic of movies.
Operated by media producer Nicole Ayers, The Madlab Post is dedicated to supporting the discovery of thought-provoking, creative and inspiring short films as well as the people who make them.