BEST & WORST MOVIES OF 2017 (Top 10 List)
I see approx 130 movies in the movie theater a year. For which I'm grateful. And, as I still consider myself a proud story-aholic, I'm hoping to at least match that number for 2018. But out of all those, I've narrowed down my favorites, almost favorites, ones I still really want to see, and those I'm glad I saw so I could put something in the "worst"category...
Lady Bird
I’m always looking for interesting, and original points of view in a movie review and I found one: “The movie brings up tendrils of intersectional discourse — race, class issues, reproductive rights, mental health — only to leave them shriveling in the backdrop of the movie, their importance not even secondary to Lady Bird’s white girl problems. These topics were thrown into the film in the same way left-leaning people toss words and platitudes into regular conversation to make themselves seem “with it” and well-rounded thinkers, while simultaneously avoiding any meaningful discussion or real-life engagement with the issues…” by Aditi Natasha Kini TheWeek.com – https://tinyurl.com/y9hl9oh6 But I don’t agree with…
I stated in my End of the Year Wrap Up Post, that only very special movies, or special to me, would get a full post, and all other wide release films would be reviewed on my #MiniMovieReview page. It's not yet the new year and already writer/producer/director Guillermo del Toro's THE SHAPE OF WATER, with 7 Golden Globe Nominations, falls into the first category...
Mini Movie Reviews, Philly Spotlight & Philly Calendar Continues in 2018
Tinsel & Tine Discusses Social Media Blogging MINI MOVIE REVIEW, PHILLY SPOTLIGHT PHILLY CALENDAR By Le Anne Lindsay, Editor I’m getting a jump on my end of the year, where do I stand, wrap up post. It doesn’t include a best and worst list of movies from 2017 Click HERE for that, also revealed on That’s Show Biz with Chuck Darrow where I contribute a movie segment every Tuesday at 3:45pm on WWDB Talk-860 radio. If you are a regular reader of Tinsel & Tine, I thank you for sticking with me all this time. Can you believe it’s been 8 years! 10 years if you count my time blogging for…