How About Those Credit Default Swaps: THE BIG SHORT
Does anyone else feel like THE BIG SHORT just sneaked into the Awards season without warning? I never saw a trailer, it features big names like Christian Bale and Steve Carell, yet I hadn't heard any buzz
Tarantino’s greatest strength remains his dialogue. Although the historical setting means no pithy dissections of Madonna or McDonald’s, it’s impressive how he can muster so much tension from ruminative, ornate conversations. His dialogue possesses a pleasing deliberateness that harkens back to the golden age of cinema and reveals by contrast the absence of wit in most modern films...
Emerging Cinema: VOICELESS The Movie
It's no wonder the movie took Necerato 4 years to complete, it's a wonder it came to fruition this soon. After all, most Indie films require ample time to procure funding, and often are delayed due to working around schedules dictated by budget concerns; but then you throw a hot button issue like abortion
Philly Dining Spotlight: RENATA’S KITCHEN
Cafe Renata is Renata’s Kitchen By Tinsel & Tine Editor, Le Anne Lindsay This past summer I got to work from home. It was one of the best summers of my adult life. One reason being, I really got a chance to walk around my neighborhood. I moved to West Philly the prior summer, but having more free time to go to the park, work from coffee shops and explore, made a big difference in getting to feel more at home. During my travels, I kept seeing the coming soon sign for Renata’s Kitchen on 45th & Baltimore Ave. (4533 Baltimore Ave) This adorable little bistro was taking shape under…
Man into Woman: THE DANISH GIRL
by Le Anne Lindsay, Editor First off, the Parisian fashions of the late 1920’s would be enough to make any male with the least amount of femininity want to at least dress in drag. THE DANISH GIRL costumes for both Gerda (Alicia Vikander) & Lili (Eddie Redmayne) just make you wanna cry with the desire to wear and own them. Kudos to the costume designer Paco Delgado. Of course there’s a big difference between someone born male who dresses in drag or cross dress and one that identifies as a woman – transgender. But it’s all very confusing for us cisgenders (those good with the sex you were born into),…